
Prayers Concerning Suicidal Situations

Dear Lord,

It grieves and saddens our hearts to hear of suicides in our student population.  It would be wrong for us to make assumptions for why this happens, but we do know each one faced desperation hopelessness, and anguish.  Lord, we know this isn’t just a student problem but there are many in our nation who are in the same state of mind and feel that their only way out is to take their own life.  Our hearts ache for those who find themselves in such a position.

Lord, we earnestly pray that you would intervene. We pray that your hope, your steadfastness, your love, compassion, and care would enter these lives and show that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Dear Lord, we pray for their families and friends who are grieving and even questioning themselves—what did I miss? What could I have done? So often these questions are left unanswered, and they are bereft.  We pray you would bring comfort, peace, peace of mind, and hope to their families and friends.  

We pray for those who counsel and care for those who are in despair. Thank you for their gifts and skills.  We pray you would give them wisdom, understanding, a listening ear.  May they be able to offer hope.

Lord, for ourselves and other Christians who have family or friends struggling with suicidal thoughts—please help us to be aware of their needs and despair.  Help us to be a good friend who listens and is patient.  Please give us compassion, wisdom, and understanding.  But most of all help us to turn to you and be strong in sharing your hope and love.

We especially pray for Christian students within the universities.  Help them as they face these issues within their community.  Help them not to be overwhelmed in the care they give.  Help them to pray together and to turn to you during these times of need.  We pray that they would seek support from wise and mature brothers and sisters in the Lord and from local churches. Help them to keep their own hearts and minds fixed on you and to pray without ceasing.

Lord, hear our prayers for those in despair—bring them hope.

For the families and friends who are grieving– give them peace and compassion.

For those in authority and the professionals involved—grant them wisdom and understanding as they put protective plans into place.

You alone are our strength and shield, our hope and salvation.  We bring these things to you in the name of Jesus. Amen.                   

Rachel Matthews in Cambridge, England

Written for a prayer in morning worship July 2022

In context of events at Cambridge University

Picture of Amanda Chambers
Amanda Chambers

Owner, Alabaster's Ink Well


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