
“Lurvy felt week…’I’m seeing things.'”

Lurvy is the first to see the miracle. He experiences shock as he observes a wonder his mind does not, cannot comprehend. Like Mary Magdalene, Lurvy is the first eyewitness of a grand miracle, although one of course is fiction and the other, the historical resurrection. Both witnesses were humble servants. You and I are everyday Lurvys, created with a capacity for wonder. May God open our eyes to see the awesomeness of His creation and the marvels of the spiritual realm. The Lord brings about miracles of new birth, changed lives, healings, and deliverances. There is nothing too hard for Him.

After Jesus came, signs and wonders accompanied the preaching of the Word. Where Jesus went, “the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them” (Matt. 11:5). 

The first “manifestation of His glory” or miracle, sign, or wonder, was at a wedding, where, as H. W. Watkins writes in his commentary on John 2:11, “That at his will water became wine, is as natural as . . . the rain passing though earth and vine and grape should become wine. From his [Jesus’] point of view both are equally explicable; from any other, both are in ultimate analysis equally inexplicable.”5 The disciples also had God’s power working through them to perform miracles. “And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs” (Mark 16:20).

Prayer: Lord, may I be where You want me to be so I can witness the signs and wonders that confirm Your truth. Stir my faith to believe and expect. 

Radiant Action: Journal Entry: What wonders do I feel as I observe the marvels of both natural and spiritual worlds? An answer to prayer is a wonder and not a coincidence. 

Webs: Childlike (July), Glory of the Ordinary (Oct.), Prophecy (Dec.)

Note: Jesus does not want our faith to rely only on signs and wonder but on a living relationship with Him. See John 4:48.

Picture of Amanda Chambers
Amanda Chambers

Owner, Alabaster's Ink Well


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