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InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministry at NC State University


The Purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA applies Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28 to campus.

InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministry at NC State is carrying out this Purpose among NCSU graduate students and faculty by establishing and advancing witnessing Christian communities that are committed to spiritual formation, community (fellowship), evangelism & service, and integration of faith, learning, and practice.

Inductive Bible study and the development of missional leaders who will train up others to carry on our mission are foundational to our “student-led and faculty-led, staff-supported” ministry. We partner with other Christian ministries on campus, area/regional/national InterVarsity staff, and supporters in the wider community to influence the people, structures, and ideas of NC State University for Christ.


Current Prayer Requests/Needs
For NC State graduate students and faculty at large:

• For Christ to be honored and sought after by this community that faces Covid-exacerbated isolation and academic competition, a growing mental/spiritual health crisis, environments unfriendly or hostile to Christianity, and tensions arising from the current Israel/Palestine situation.

For our IV graduate student fellowship:

• for all to know Christ and grow in Him as disciples/learners/vocational servants
• for our outreach with the gospel to increase and bear fruit in new corners of campus
• for first year grad students to feel at home in and take up their part in the fellowship

For faculty:
• For non-Christian faculty to seek the truth and know Jesus as the Truth
• For more Christians and seekers to be drawn into meaningful, active Christian community—with more such communities being established across campus
• For Christian faculty to reflect the love and wisdom of Christ in their teaching, research, and administration and witness to the university community
• for more Christian faculty to partner with the InterVarsity graduate student fellowship (for example, through dinner/speaker events)
How to Partner
Pray, Give, Volunteer, Advocate
Please contact Laura Prewitt, Campus Staff Minister, at or at 828-467-9471.


Contact Information

1369, Baez Street, Oberlin, Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina, 27608, United States
Zip/Post Code